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No 3 (2022): formes scripturales, pratiques éditoriales

Iblîs, « livre de poète » de Pierre Lecuire : une « pédagogie spirituelle »

May 2, 2022
May 2, 2022


Pierre Lecuire conceives his “livres de poète” in relation to Mallarmé’s thoughts on the book. For him, the material aspects of the book do not result from aesthetic ambition, decorative intention or homological relationship between text and images. On the contrary, a tension is created between the immediate understanding of graphic signs and the slow deciphering of text, due to typographic spatialisation. Through a dialectic of the sensible and the intelligible, such tension aims to create a physical space with what P. Lecuire calls “un espace-traverse” stemming from an intuition of a metaphysical order. This is particularly true of Iblîs (1976), which confronts an unpublished poem by Pierre Lecuire with Fermín Aguayo’s etchings. This paper intends to analyse how the various regimes of book visuality are used to serve the “spiritual pedagogy” deployed by the leporello, to transform the act of reading into an exercise in vision, in revelation.